Monday, May 23, 2011

girl scouts in gilroy

with my back against with wall like filo dough - i left that all behind and drove down 280/101 to Gilroy with 3 girl scouts - including my own gal Em- towards Gilroy Gardens.
We spend Friday night under a canopy of stars, listening to the sounds of 500 girls playing soccer by moonlight, screaming, squealing, shouting, whispering.
the folks at the Gardens gave us a guided hike up a small hill - about a mile to Lake Katheryne - where the girls supposedly learned about the unique water cycle there.
There were mosquitoes a plenty next to that lake.
On Saturday morning they were up with the sun, meandering towards the overstuffed bathrooms, finding the hot chocolate, settling in to massive plates of eggs and bacon and potatoes before venturing off to another "hike" this time around the park to observe the frogs and walk behind a waterfall.
Before the park opened, the kids made crafts under a canopy and safety pinned them to their tee shirts.
Card stock tents, dew drops, and little metal canteens - after brain storming on ways to save water in our environment.
The rest of the day was spent going on rides, shopping at the souvenir stands, and playing with the water guns. Kaitlin got soaked, so I bought a $10 souvenir towel for her to dry off!
On the way home, our carload stopped by Nob Hill Foods Grocery and bought a big basket of berries and huge heads of Gilroy Garlic and a tub of Garlic Spread and a loaf of Italian Bread.
The kids munched on the Spread, Bread, and Berries on the way back to SF - where it was overcast, traffic-ey, and noisy.
One last thing: we stopped by a working farm just before getting on the highway. This time got a huge box of Blueberries - all gone now.
I showed the kids the vehicles used for the farm, the plots of land and pointed out the migrant farmers picking endless baskets of strawberries.
By Sunday afternoon, back in the Gerbil trail again. Hopefully the kids had a memorable time!

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